a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky

What now?

I am trying a new look for the homepage and therefore a new and lighter style. There will also be new LEGO section and a section with my music. Being as it is the change will not be instant, but more a thing in slow production. But the time has come to make that change. I Hope you will enjoy it.

Kind regards

The Editor

Jeg prøver med et nyt udseende til hjemmesiden og derfor en ny lysere stil. Der vil komme en helt ny LEGO sektion og en section med noget af min musik. Værende som det nu engang er, vil ændringen ikke komme med det samme. Men mere som en langsom proces. Men tiden er kommet til at ændre det. Jeg håber at du vil have glæde ud af det.

Venlig hilsen


a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky
a man is flying a kite in the sky